Support Spinal Cord Research

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The above link will allow you to donate directly to the E-STAND study through the Hennepin Healthcare website. Here you can read more about patient experience in the study.

Our group raises money through grants and generous gifts to accomplish our mission to effectively test and bring neuromodulation to benefit those with spinal cord injury. We have kept our expenses minimal and as a result, our study remains one of the most inexpensive surgical clinical trials. We estimate that the average cost for one patient to participate in the study is $35,000 (often times less than 1/10 of many other similar studies). This includes the surgery, medical supplies, staff time, as well as the management of the study.

Your gift can help us learn more about epidural stimulation for chronic spinal cord injury and in turn, impact the quality of life for many patients and their loved ones.

Patient video testimonial:

Patient videos: Darrow YouTube Page